Thursday 29 August 2013

I received the bottle of pectin and the guar gum on the same day - unfortunately it happened that i got tonsillitis that day as well which meant that i was on penicillin and bed ridden for a week after 5 days in bed and the bank holiday weekend - I resumed work in my normal day job.
With my course of penicillin i have to take 8 pills a day for 10 days - which means every few hours i have to take 2 pills, so i kept them on my desk.

Whilst sitting on my desk bored i decided to have  a look penicllin actually is so started reading the leaflet that comes in the packet.  Whilst reading this is saw one of the lines read

"advise doctor about taking penicllin if using Guar gum"

hmmm so i thought its best to forget the guar gum idea and head forward with the pectin extract.

I basically got round to doing this today and to my amazement it looks like it is working and i have a product which is gelling and tasting good.

Now to experiment with some of the other flavours.

Friday 23 August 2013


I am starting this blog as I start my business , i want to the readers of this blog to go through the journey with me from which I go from having an idea to a finshed product that will hopefully be on shop shelves within the next year.

Let me go on to explain what exactly by business is and how it came about.

I had a job in an industrial diamond company - it was not what i wanted to do but it was paying my bills and allowing me to basically survive.  Whilst in the office I was sat next to a lovely russian girl who live me loved her food but was always looking after herself adding superfoods to her meals and eating low calorie snacks.
Anyway she would often share her 4 o clock snack with me and one time when her mother was over from russia she brought this amazing fruit snack called "pastilla" that we would tear and eat.

Around the same time I was adding chia seeds into my meals and smoothies , which is when the idea dawned upon me my combining the pastilla and the seeds we could make a super healthy snack.

 All i need to do is learn how to make the pastilla mix in the chia seed then take it to the supermarket and be a millionaire easy right ....

This was my first attempt - looks awful but actually tasted alright- any way i decided i will be able to do this so decided to get serious and try and make this work.

I wrote a business plan and took my idea to the Brightside charity who work alongside the start up loans business and after a while i managed to secure my loan of £2500.

I went on to buy a dehydration oven and found some suppliers - I wanted to make my flavours amazing on the palette so I thought i needed to get some pros in this is where i spent a lot of my money on a New product development service .  THis basically meant i had someone working for me who would put winning combinations together .

This man Chris sent me two flavours which were puree concentrate i opened the bottles and dehydrated the puree and eventually ended up with 2 flavours which tasted incredible - I was really onto a winner what could go wrong....
We got down to pricing which all seemed ok then a sticking point the mimumum order quantity was 2 tonnes of each flavour OH DEAR.

Back to the drawing board i go which is kind of where i am now .. We are now using puree over puree concentrate however we are not getting the right consisitancy once dried I will be adding a natural thickener to the product to see how it goes.

Lets see what happens next...